Christina Empedocles’ recent work strives to record a personal history signified by the ephemera of everyday, as it is culled from the bottom of purses, saved from pants pockets, or archived in a high-school girl’s bedroom. At best, it is a fragmented record: evidence of dates, locations, and events, forming a portrait of an individual absorbing the world through popular culture. The inherently temporary nature of the subject matter — receipts, paper tickets, newspaper clippings — represents fleeting moments, while the work itself manifests as highly detailed and labored observations, demonstrating the lasting impression those moments have made.
Christina has been awarded a public art project at the University of California, San Francisco, and has had her work included in New American Paintings, Studio Visit Magazine, American Art Collector Magazine, Manifest’s International Drawing Annual, and Curvy. She currently shows in New York, Denver, and San Francisco.